Where Do Our Puppies Come From?
Good Question and one anyone should be asking that where there is a lot of puppies. The what is origin of the puppies? the world of puppy production isn’t what it seems. Many of the “breeders” you are finding online through websites, through Marketplaces, online newspapers etc are in fact not breeders. A dog breeder is someone who has one male and one female and when the timing is right and conditions are safe a litter of puppies is born. A mom can safely have one litter a year up until she is 5 years old at most. So how is it that breeders are able to have litter after litter? Wholesale. They are purchasing puppies from wholesalers and marketing themselves as breeders. When most of the litter has been sold and the ones remaining are over 9 weeks it is not uncommon for the breeders to dispose of them. Reason being, how do they explain that the mom just had a litter but there are 8 week old puppies onsite and 10 week old puppies onsite - it can’t be explained. The remaining inventory is then “dumped” making room for more.
Some of our puppies have been removed from difficult situations like hoarding, animal hoarding is much more common than you think. These are not bad people and most often they love all the animals in their home. However there are far too many in that environment making it impossible for them to receive proper care and sound nutrition.
Some have been purchased by us to get them out of unsafe and unclean situations like drug houses, abusive homes or where they are being neglected in general.
Animal rescue organization also reach out to us when there is a litter of puppies in need of care. They know that puppies in a shelter environment often return to the shelter system due to poor socialization. Our Pudgy’s live with us, are with us 24 hrs a day. We train them as soon as we have established their health back to normal. By the time they are ready to be adopted they are socialized from all of the classes and visitors to Pudgy’s Place. They have manners, are crate trained, car trained and many are pee pad trained (however! mistakes still might happen).
More than once and now with frequency people are surrendering their puppies to us. Puppies are not easy, the first 3 months they are little angels but as they again size and confidence they become little terrors. Requiring a lot of time and attention, after a couple of months some people realize you can either have a puppy OR a bustling social life filled with dinner, drinks and parties but you can’t have both.
When you are at Pudgy’s Place feel free to ask as many questions as you’d like. We are always happy to tell you about the history of every Pudgy in our care and the industry overall.