Puppy Yoga Party

Puppy Yoga Party 1.5 hrs $450 

Up to 10 Guests 

Want to spend time with the Pudgies but still be active? Then a Puppy Yoga Party is perfect for you! You select between Yoga OR Pilates and a Certified Instructor will guide you through beginner level Yoga/Pilates while the Puppies come and say Hi while you're in pose. After the 45 min class you'll come back to the Pudgy Suite for a cold/warm drink and cookies to spend an additional 30 mins with the Pudgies. 


* Yoga/Pilates mats and all equipment required

* A Certified Instructor 

* Additonal Support Staff to handle Puppie clean up

* 45 Min of Yoga/Pilates

* 30 mins of Puppy Snuggle Time

* Cold Drinks & Cookies

* Polaroid to for Each guest to take home