Adoption Process

What is the process to Adopt one of our Pudgy's? Good Question! Here is some information to help you. Our Pudgy's didn't have a great start and so it's important to us that we match our Pudgy's with the right home to ensure it's a FOREVER home. 

Step One:
Head over to our IG account @pudgypupscanada, we post the Pudgy's there not on the site. Our IG stories follow the Pudgy's through their daily lives because they live with us! when a Pudgy is ready for adoption we post them on the story as AVAILABLE. When you see a Pudgy that you are interested in please fill out the Adoption Application.

Step Two: 
Fill our the Adoption Application and answer the questions, we will review the application and get back to you if we think it's the right fit. 

Step Three: 
If We think it's the right fit, we will arrange for you to come meet the Pudgy. We ask for the first meeting it's just you and one other person. Please don't bring the entire family and other dogs. You'll spend some time with the puppy, hang out, have a coffee, play and snuggle to see if your souls connect. You can come meet the puppy at Pudgy's Place in Toronto or we can arrange in Brampton.

Step Four: 
After meeting the Pudgy and it's a love match we would ask for for a 50% deposit to hold the puppy ($300), our standard adoption fee is $675. We will fill out the paperwork and give you the vaccine records. That day we will also give you a sheet with their diet and routine so you can pick up the things needed. 

Step Five:
Puppy Pick up! we select a day and time for you to come pick up your Pudgy! you would send the balance of the adoption fee at that time. 

Step Six:
Welcome to the Pudgy Family!!! We are a package deal with our Pudgy's, we are always here for support, questions and community.