Conditions of Adoption
Most of our Pudgy's came into our care with malnutrition and sometimes ill. We have worked very hard to bring them back to health using excellent nutrition with financial resources used towards vet care. Our Pudgy's are raw fed using Bold By Nature, we insist that our puppies are kept raw fed for the first 6 months at least. If you are not open to raw feeding we will accept human grade feeding as the next best option. We do not want our Pudgy's kibble fed, it's important that they are given top nutrition with immediate bioavailability like raw feeding or human grade feeding provides.
we do not adopt out of province and we do not ship, it's important our Pudgy's stay close to us. Should circumstances change we need to be able to get to our Pudgy quickly.
Pudgy's are ALWAYS returned to us, life happens and circumstances change we understand that. It doesn't matter the age, our puppies always have a home with us. As a condition of adoption you cannot give your Pudgy to anyone but us. If you are thinking of rehoming them, the Pudgy is returned to us and WE will then reach out the person you had in mind.