Kids Birthday Parties

kids Birthday party toronto

We get this question a lot….do we do Birthday Parties for kids? YES! we do! and we feel like it’s important that we do. Creating an environment where children can learn more about puppies while having a good time is important to fostering respect for animals long term.

We offer a few options for kids starting at 6 yrs old and up, they can just hang with the puppies. Spending time with them while we teach them a little bit about how puppies grow, how old they are, they best way to hold them and what puppies need to grow while eating Pizza…we call this option A Puppy Pizza Party. We provide everything you need to make it a great time including a Polaroid Pic for each guest to take home.

For a larger group of children (up to 20) looking to take it up a notch and shake a tail feather, we will put together a Neon Dance Party. Kill the lights, put on neon braclets and necklaces pick up a glow in the dark saber and get down! Pizza and drinks will be served in a separate area while we bring groups of 5 back to spend time with the puppies.

Creating a fun environment where the kids can learn a little bit while supervised by us keeping them and the puppies safe is what we do best.


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