Pudgy Puppies are the misfits, the discarded, the ones no one wanted. Treated like inventory that sat on the shelf too long they were disposed of. We take them into our care after they have been neglected and get them well. Socializing them, teaching them manners and showing them that not all people are bad through classes like Puppy Pilates, Puppy Yoga, Stretch, experiences and snuggle sessions at Pudgy's Place. The goal after getting them healthy and happy is to find the perfect forever home for them.
Once our Pudgy's have come into our care we work to get them healthy, socialized and ready for adoption. These little guys didn't have the best start in life so it's our job to find them the perfect forever home - click here to learn more about process, application and waiting list.
Puppy Yoga Hammock
The class everyone is Toronto is talking about and no where else offers...Puppy Yoga Hammock! Gentle yoga supported by an Ariel Hammock positioned close enough to the ground that the puppies can come visit and be lifted up to hang out with you in your hammock. A 45 min restorative gentle yoga class given by an experience Certified Instructor. Followed by an additional 30 mins in your hammock while we give you a gentle push so you can sway with your puppy.
Hammock, mat and blocks provided.
Nespresso, tea and pastry included
Our Mission is simple, all puppies in need of care and a safe place are a Pudgy and no Pudgy is left behind...ever. You could say our Pudgy's are the ones that someone left behind but it wasn't us
Skip the exercise and head to the reason you came....puppies! Puppy Snuggle Sessions are exactly that. 30 mins of hanging out with our Pudgy's in the Puppy Lounge. Hold them, hug them, give kisses, get kisses and all the sweet puppy breath you can handle. Who knows you might turn around, fall in love and adopt! Nespresso, pastry and puppy snuggies included
Puppy Pilates done ethically, taught by an experience Certified Pilates instructor this mat pilates class uses gravity and body weight to strengthen the core, legs and arms. Our Pudgy's join you through the class keeping on eye on your form (heehee), followed by 30 mins of Pudgy snuggies with a Nespresso and a pastry.
Does a puppy actually stretch unless you say "That's a BIGGGGG stretch", getting loose with all the cute in one class. A guided gentle mat stretch class designed to relax and unwind for everyone. Our Pudgy's hang out with you while you stretch and don't forget if they join you you have to say "that's a BIGGGGGGG stretch